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5 Effective Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is not dead.

If you want to foster a good relationship with potential and current clients, turn your leads into clients, and extend your client life cycle, you should consider email marketing an essential component of your online marketing strategy.

While content marketing and social media marketing are undoubtedly effective, many business owners are overlooking the ability of email marketing to help their marketing strategy. However, some statistics may prove the effectiveness of email.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 80% of B2B marketers consider email as the most effective means for demand generation. Also, Statista reported that up to 51% of consumers prefer to receive promotional information about brands they follow through email.

There’s More to Sending Out Weekly Emails

Business owners should remember that there’s more to a weekly email marketing campaign. Just because you are sending out weekly emails doesn’t mean your messages are reaching your target audience.

Send emails that mean something to your clients.

In today’s post, we’re sharing some useful email marketing tips.

Whether you are new to this aspect of digital marketing or you’ve been doing it a while but not seeing the open and click rates you want, we hope these tips will help you with your next email campaign.

Don’t Purchase Email Lists

This is a bad practice that some business owners are falling into. While purchasing email lists increases the risk of reaching more consumers, you are not going to get your desired conversion figures.

One advantage of email marketing is that your intended audience has already provided you with their email information, whether from a newsletter subscription, through a coupon program, other customer loyalty platforms, or other methods.

This makes them an audience already open to receiving communication from you – otherwise, they wouldn’t be giving you their contact information at all.

If you buy an email list and not grown it organically yourself, you are risking upsetting these email recipients and not giving you their business at all.

Create Unique and Attention-Grabbing Email Subject Lines

If your subject line is not unusual or relevant, chances are consumers will not even bother opening it. We recommend keeping your subject line short, concise, and creative.

Send a Welcome Email to New Subscribers Right Away

According to, welcome emails have a successful open rate of 82%. Make sure you are reaching out with these new subscribers right after signing up.

Write a short introduction about your business. Also, make the new contacts aware of ongoing promotions, offers, or new services.

Never buy email lists.

You can use a program to set up an automated response for this feature. However, you have to make sure that your welcome email template is always up to date.

Use a Person’s Email as Your Sender Address

Consumers are more likely to open an email if the sender’s address is from an actual person’s email. For instance, rather than an email coming from, make the sender address from or someone from your team.

Email Marketing Content Should Be Short and Concise

Same with your subject line, make sure the copy is short, sweet, and concise. Most consumers don’t appreciate a lengthy copy. They want it direct and straight. This helps the recipients decide if what you’re offering suits them and if they need to take action.

Of course, the length of your email will depend on the nature of your marketing goals. However, keep in mind that the more concise it is, the better reception you will get.

Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action

If you don’t give your readers direction on what to do after reading your email, chances are they are not going to do anything at all.

Think about what action you would like your email recipients to take after reading your email. Do you want them to call you, get a coupon code, download a PDF, or any other action? Make your message clear.

Include clickable links within your text. These links should not look out of place in the copy. Test these links and make sure they work.